Show me your Friends / Zeig mir deine Freunde / Mostre-me seus Amigos / Muéstrame tus Amigos

Show me your Friends, I will show you your Future.

King Solomon put it like this: The one who walks with the wise will become wise, but a companion of fools will suffer harm (Proverbs 13:20).

Our future is shaped less by our dreams and ambitions of what we will do eventually, but more by the company we choose.

In your inner circle of intimacyyou have a small group of friends that profoundly shape you, and vice versa.

In the circle, of influence, you have a larger number of friends, you influence them, and they influence you.

In the circle of care, you have the largest number of friends and the shaping influence, in both directions, is low.

In your friendships choose with wisdom. Your future will thank you.

Show me your friends and I’ll show you who you are!

Dites-moi qui sont vos amis et je vous dis qui vous êtes!

Dime con quién andas, y te diré quién eres!

Daniel Ally was born homeless in Bronx, New York to teenage Guyanese immigrants.

Growing up on welfare, Daniel and his family moved from cramped apartments to illegal basements over a dozen times before the age of 12.

After years of drug abuse and failing at life, Daniel was fed up. One day, he went to his local library and searched endlessly for truth.

After discovering a few books, he decided to turn his life around and made three decisions:

Read more books; if you want to learn about money, you better read books that talk about money.

If you want to learn about religion, you better read books that talk about religion.

If you want to succeed, you have to read. Leaders are readers.

Choose your friends; you need people who are inspiring, people that can help you, lift you up to the goals that transcend your own possibility and your thinking.

You have to realize your goals, and you can only do that by getting around the right people.

Set high goals; goals make you stretch, they help you to become more of who you are.

You impress your subconscious mind, you have to write your goals down, so that you can hold this steadfastly to who you are.