Solitude / Einsamkeit / Solidão / Soledad

Solitude is a state of seclusion or isolation, ie., lack of contact with people.

It may stem from bad relationships, loss of loved ones, deliberate choice, infectious disease, mental disorders, neurological disorders, circumstances of situation.

A distinction has been made between Solitude and loneliness. In this sense, these two words refer, respectively, to the joy and the pain of being alone.

Long-term Solitude is often seen as undesirable, causing loneliness or reclusion, still others regard long-term Solitude as a means of spiritual enlightenment.

There are both positive and negative psychological effects of Solitude.

The positive effects can range from freedom to increased spirituality, while the negative effects are socially depriving and may trigger mental illness.

The Buddha attained enlightenment through uses of meditation, deprived of sensory input, bodily necessities, and external desires, including social interaction.

The context of Solitude is attainment of pleasure from within, but this does not necessitate complete detachment from the external World.

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