Spiritually Dead / Spirituell Tot / Espiritualmente Morto / Espiritualmente Muerto

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A spiritually dead person charges up his credit card irresponsibly and then lives with the hangover of past-due bills.

Constantly gives into his kids’ whining and manipulating because he has no perspective of what kind of teenager he want his child to turn into.

Constantly gives into his sexual urges, or his appetite for food or drink, PC or TV because that will give immediate gratification. He never says no for the sake of a goal.

A person who has no goals, no plan to become more fully alive, living life with no real intention, no intentional plan about growing spiritually.

No goals, any intention regarding friendships, connecting with people, improving family life. Emotionally, no goals for getting rid of negative emotional baggage.

Do not miss your life. Do not miss being spiritual. Strive for goodness, not things. Live in honesty, integrity and dignity.


Each of us is created with a unique mission in life, one that nobody else can fulfill. It is easy to get caught in survival mode as many Humans live these days.

They are spiritual dead men. Nevertheless, one can transcend the apathy that results from merely surviving. Ask yourself what your specific talents and skills are needed for in the World.

To identify your uniqueness, take a close look at your strengths. Ask yourself what is it that you are you good at, or, where you have contributed the mos.

Your contribution to the World is as important as the ones that make breaking news headlines. You are just not aware of it and all the effects of your actions.

Once you define your abilities, you are well on your way to becoming a giver instead of a taker.

Armed with Awareness of your gifts, and the self-confidence it exudes, you can live a purpose driven live – a life driven not by what you need but by what you are needed for. A proactive life instead of a reactive one.

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