Star Stuff / Sternestaub / Poeira das Estrelas / Polvo de las Estrellas

The Human body is created from elements which are created from quantum particles, which are fused into elements in stars. This is true without exception.

All proteins, cells, etc. are composed of elements. Elements are made in stars. Chemistry, biology, and physics confirm we are made of star stuff. We are star stuff.

If everything is star stuff, then is not Consciousness just the universe experiencing itself. – Carl Sagan

Everything you see in the physical reality is simply an expression of all that is. You are a part of this. There is no separation; there is only oneness and complete wholeness.

If you realize that you are the universe, nothing can go wrong because nothing that ever happens or ever will happen can be wrong. Everything that is happening is happening for your benefit.

You are the universe experiencing itself! That is the whole point of our existence. The creator of all that is gave life to us so it could experience everything that it created at once.

You are the creator underneath your personality and ego. Your personality that you perceive to be you is not you at all.

It is a mirage, a set of emotional beliefs, thought patterns and actions. It is set up this way by the creator so we learn, experience, and grow.

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