Starving for Love / Hunger nach Liebe / Faminto por Amor / Hambriento de amor

Some people are just more difficult to love than others.

Sometimes it is because they are offensive in some way – they act like jerks, they are ass-holes, they are selfish, they are narcissistic, they are aggressive and they are mean, etc., etc. They are this or they are that.

Perhaps they have hurt us, wounded us, betrayed us, disappointed us, let us down, and done so over and over again.

Or perhaps they are very tough-minded and have very high standards out of self and others in terms of behavior and character-development.

They do not come across as warm and caring and compassionate and easy-going enough in the process.

Not everyone is kind and warm and agreeable, nonjudgmental, tolerant, accepting, engaging, humorous, generous, giving, patient, etc.

Most have rough edges and immaturities, and hurts and wounds and insecurities and inferiorities.

And some of us, some people – a few – are very tough-minded and have very high standards and do not come across as being warm.

Why is it hard to love people who are like some of those described above.  In other words, why is it hard to love those who are essentially hard to love.

When put that way, the question kind of answers itself. Love is not easy, because other people are not easy on the heart, eyes, ears, and mind -they are not easy to love.

You are not very adept at loving others and dealing with your own biases, prejudices, inferiorities, wounds, neuroticness, etc.

If you were more loving – more able to love – and if others were less difficult on the eyes, ears, heart and mind, and thus easier to love, then the World would not be in the state it is …

… apathy, indifference, people afraid – afraid of others, afraid of life, afraid of getting hurt, afraid of being used, afraid of being truly vulnerable, afraid of their own emotions – living immured behind their walls – psychological walls, gated communities, affluent suburbia settings, etc.

Love is difficult.

It is difficult for two strangers of differing backgrounds and differing upbringing and differing life experiences and with differing temperaments and preferences and perhaps most of all differing understandings and expectations of what Love is.

The vast majority of people in the World are looking to be loved rather than to love.

They are looking to receive Love rather than to give and practice and learn it. And if and when they do give Love, it is a trade, a lubricant.

It is given in order to receive, not in order to learn how to give Love even better and more productively and to become even more adept at loving. 

The vast majority of Human beings are pounding the pavement every day looking for love – for warmth, positivity, acceptance, they are looking to be nurtured, they are looking for romance, they are looking for what they were not given in childhood.

They are reading good books – really good books about life, Love, growing up, becoming a better and healthier and more loving Human being. No, they are not.

Instead, they are anesthetizing themselves with sex, drugs, gossip magazines, organized religion. The World is full of people who are wounded, hurting, even broken, running on empty, all starving for Love.

Admit something:
Everyone you see, you say to them, ‘Love me’.

Of course you do not do this out loud, otherwise
someone would call the authorities.

Still, though, think about this, this great pull in us to

Why not become the one who lives with a
full moon in each eye that is
always saying,

with that sweet moon language,
what every other eye in
this world is
dying to


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