States Of Consciousness / Zustände des Bewusstseins / Estados de Consciência / Estados de Conciencia

Marijuana is a psychoactive drug that is known to alter the State of Consciousness. Marijuana alters mental activity, memory, and pain perception.

One who is under the influence of marijuana may experience degrees of paranoia, increased sensitivity, and delayed reactions not normal for their usual conscious state.

MDMA (ecstasy) is a drug that is known to alter the State of Consciousness. The State of Consciousness brought about by MDMA includes a rise in positive feelings and a reduction in negative feelings.

Users’ emotions are increased and inhibitions lowered, often accompanied by a sensation of intimacy or connection with other people.

Opiates is a drug that is known to alter the State of Consciousness. Examples of opiates include heroin and morphine. Opiates produce analgesia and often feelings of euphoria.

Cocaine is a drug that is known to alter the State of Consciousness Cocaine affects the neurotransmitters that nerves use to communicate with each other.

Cocaine inhibits the re-uptake of neurotransmitters in the synapse, resulting in an altered state of consciousness or a ‘high’.

LSD is a drug that is known to alter the State of Consciousness. LSD effects are emotional and psychological.

The ingester’s feelings may alter quickly through a range from fear to ecstasy. This may cause one to experience many levels of altered Consciousness.

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