Blue Planet / Blauer Planet / Planeta Azul / Planeta Azul

Our planet is a blue planet: over seventy percent of it is covered by the sea. The Pacific Ocean alone covers half the globe. You can fly across it non-stop for twelve hours and still see nothing more than a speck of land. Still, the health of our oceans is under threat. They are changing at a ...

Nature Is Speaking – Water / Die Natur spricht – Wasser / A Natureza está Falando – Agua / La Naturaleza está Hablando – Agua

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Water use has been growing at more than twice the rate of population increase in the past century - to the point that now about 1.2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water; another 3 billion do not have adequate sanitation. Further, as climate change alters weather patterns, areas such as the Mediterranean region and ...

Nature Is Speaking – Forest / Die Natur spricht – Wald / A Natureza está Falando – Floresta / La Naturaleza está Hablando – Selva

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Forests help to provide us the very air we breathe, yet we still cut down Portugal-sized chunks of forest every year. Tropical forests cover less than just 5% of the Earth’s surface, but global deforestation threatens their long-term survival, as well as the survival of the wildlife - and Humans - that rely on them. The ...

A new story of the People / Eine neue Geschichte der Menschen / Uma nova história do Povo / Una nueva historia de la Gente

Human beings are a storytelling species. As much as we would like to believe that we are rational, scientific people who consider all the facts before acting, the truth is that our stories and the roles we play in them have a greater impact on our behavior. Your family, past experience, and even your name are all ...

Desert Water / Wüstenwasser / Água do Deserto / Agua del Desierto

Deserts are some of the most foreboding and mysterious regions found on Earth. The lack of water makes deserts generally inhospitable, but people have been living in and exploring deserts for more than thousands of years nonetheless. Deserts are barren areas of land where it is tricky for plants and animals to survive. They form thanks to ...

One breath around the World / Ein Atemzug um die Welt / Uma respiração ao redor do Mundo / Un aliento alrededor del Mundo

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If you are one of the 3.9 billion people around the World living in a city, the air in your lungs is very likely hurting you. More than 80% of those who live in cities with more than 100,000 that monitor air pollution are exposed to air quality levels that exceed WHO limits. 98% of cities in ...

You Are Never Too Small / Du bist nie zu Klein / Você nunca é pequeno Demais / Nunca eres demasiado Pequeño

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My name is Greta Thunberg. I am 15 years old. I am from Sweden. I speak on behalf of Climate Justice Now. Many people say that Sweden is just a small country and it doesn’t matter what we do. But I’ve learned you are never too small to make a difference. And if a few ...

Kingdom of the Wild / Königreich der Wildnis / Reino dos Selvagens / Reino de lo Salvaje

In 1990, a new country was born in southern Africa. Its name comes from a local word, Namib: land where there is nothing. But today, Namibia is home to one of the greatest wildlife recovery stories the continent has ever known. Namibia revolutionized wildlife management. Conservation was written into the constitution. And rural communities joined their lands to ...

Hostile Planet / Feindlicher Planet / Planeta Hostil / Planeta Hostil

Earth may be the only place we know that is full of diverse life but that does not make it a friendly planet. Against all odds, species have found ways to survive in the World’s most inhospitable landscapes. Every day is a struggle to survive, but animals continue to adapt to the toughest challenges. The epic battles ...

We can make a change in the World / Wir können die Welt Verändern / Podemos fazer uma mudança no Mundo / Podemos hacer un cambio en el Mundo

We all get frustrated and upset, but the energy that you put out into the universe has a domino effect. The person you yelled at will take their frustrations out on another, who will then go home and yell at his kids. And the kids will fight with one another because they do not know how to ...

1988-12-22 Xapuri, Brazil / When the angels Cry / Wenn die Engel Weinen / Quando os anjos Choram / Cuando los ángeles Lloran

Francisco Alves Mendes Filho, better known as Chico Mendes, was a Brazilian rubber tapper, trade union leader and environmentalist. He fought to preserve the Amazon rainforest, and advocated for the Human rights of Brazilian peasants and indigenous peoples. Chico Mendes had the vision of the need for an alliance between people and forest conservation built on maintaining the necessary ecological balance and not ...

If all the ice Melted / Wenn alles Eis geschmolzen Wäre / Se todo o gelo Derretesse / Si todo el hielo se Derritiera

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If we keep burning fossil fuels indefinitely, global warming will eventually melt all the ice at the poles and on mountaintops, raising sea level by 216 feet. There are more than five million cubic miles of ice on Earth, and some scientists say it would take more than 5,000 years to melt it all. If we continue ...

You are stealing our Future / Sie stehlen unsere Zukunft / Você está roubando nosso Futuro / Estás robando nuestro Futuro

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Rich nations have an obligation not only to the poor nations, but to all the grandchildren of the World, rich and poor. We have not inherited this Earth from our parents to do with it what we will. We have borrowed it from our children and we must be careful to use it in their interests as ...

The Global Goals / Die globalen Ziele / Os objetivos Globais / Los objetivos Globales

In 2015, World leaders agreed to 17 goals for a better World by 2030. These goals have the power to end poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change. Guided by the goals, it is now up to all, governments, businesses, civil Society and the general public to work together to build a better future for everyone. The ...

Global Sustainability / Globale Nachhaltigkeit / Sustentabilidade Global / Sostenibilidad Global

At the start of the 21st century, the problem of global sustainability is widely recognised and a common topic of discussion by journalists, scientists, teachers, students and citizens in many parts of the World. The first decade of the new century, at least, will be one of reflection about the demands placed by humankind on the ...

1993-10-31 Los Angeles, USA / Planet Earth is our Home / Planet Erde ist unser Zuhause / Planeta Terra é a nossa Casa / Planeta tierra es nuestro Hogar

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River Phoenix was not a person to be forgotten. His name, just as unique as his life, calls attention. But it would not be his name alone that would be remembered. It is his pure talent and untouched potential that left people asking why. It is his unconditional Love for all forms of life that people ...

Nature is telling Us / Die Natur sagt Uns / A natureza nos Diz / La naturaleza nos Dice

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For decades now you witnessed massive increases in Human population, global warming, famines and droughts, epidemics of unusual infections. Diseases like the black plague, smallpox, and HIV, shifts in water distribution and the disappearance of ecosystems, forests, food and other natural resources. Nature is telling that our World is in terrible trouble, and we are just beginning to feel ...

Ten Billion / Zehn Milliarden / Dez Bilhões / Diez Billones

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'Ten Billion' is about us. It is about you, your children, your parents, your friends. It is about every one of us. It is about our failure: failure as individuals, the failure of business, and the failure of our politicians. It is about deforestation, desertification and species extinction. It is about global warming and growing threats ...

The last Rainforest / Der letzte Regenwald / A última floresta Tropical / La última Selva

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The combination of deforestation, climate change, and other factors could push the rainforest beyond the point of no return. If deforestation goes beyond 20% of its original spread, the Amazon rainforest will have reached the point of no return. If the climate changes by deforestation or global warming there is a risk that more than 50% of ...

Race against Time / Rennen gegen die Zeit / Corrida contra o Tempo / Carrera contra el Tiempo

We are in a race against time on climate change. The World needs to transition to renewable energy. Energy from the sun, wind and water can cut greenhouse pollution and provide clean, abundant energy for all. But fossil fuel companies continue to undermine action on climate change and block renewables at every step. Social movements have the power ...

Real Action Hero / Echter Actionheld / Herói de ação Real / Héroe de acción Real

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The World experienced tremendous economic growth over the past one hundred years thanks to the use of coal for the generation of electricity. But that growth model has now moved into the annals of history and will never return. Coal has been displaced by cleaner, cheaper and more effective forms of energy generation, due to the ...

Before the Flood / Vor der Sintflut / Antes do Dilúvio / Antes de la Inundación

Environmentalism is a broad philosophy, an ideology, and a social movement regarding concerns for environmental protection and for the improvement of the health of the environment. Environmentalism continues to evolve to face up to new issues such as global warming, overpopulation and genetic engeneering. An Environmentalist is a person who may speak out about our natural environment and the sustainable management ...

Permaculture Perspective / Permakultur Perspektive / Perspectiva de Permacultura / Perspectiva de Permacultura

Permaculture is a creative design process based on whole-systems thinking informed by ethics and design principles. This approach guides you to mimic the patterns and relationships you can find in nature and can be applied to all aspects of Human habitation, from agriculture to ecological building, from appropriate technology to education and even economics. The philosophy behind ...

The Precious Gift / Das kostbare Geschenk / O presente Precioso / El regalo Precioso

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When will we as Humans realize that we are not separate from nature and that infact we are nature. When will we understand than when we destroy the planet we are destroying ourselves. We live in an insane time when no one is thinking long term and actions are based on short-term profits. But there is still hope. ...

Preciousness of Time / Kostbarkeit der Zeit / Preciosidade do Tempo / Preciosidad del Tiempo

I am very aware of the preciousness of time. I was given two to three years to live. I faced a life unable to properly communicate. Fortunately my mind was unaffected. While all around me people have passed the day deep in conversation, I have often been transported afar, lost inside my own thoughts, trying to ...