Love is the most powerful Force / Liebe ist die stärkste Kraft / O amor è a força mais Poderosa / El amor es la fuerza màs Poderosa

Love is the most powerful force in the universe, and for centuries mystics have understood the transformative potential of divine Love. Love draws us back to Love, Love uncovers Love, Love makes us whole and Love takes us home. In the depths of the soul we are loved by God. This is the deepest secret of being ...

How Love Works / Wie Liebe Funktioniert / Como o Amor Funciona / Cómo funciona el Amor

The same chemical process that takes place with addiction takes place when you fall in Love. Addiction is a facet of Love. Not all Love is addiction, but all addiction stems from Love. Love is a chemical state of mind that is part of your genes and influenced by your childhood upbringing You are looking to find your soulmate; ...

Falling in Love / Sich Verlieben / Apaixone-Se / Enamorarse

Falling in Love is like falling into something that has no floor. It is great and exhilarating and a bit scary, but mostly great, and when you feel it, you should allow yourself to enjoy it. You bounce between exhilaration, euphoria, increased energy, trembling, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, a racing heart and accelerated breathing, as well ...

It’s all about Love / Es geht um Liebe / É tudo sobre Amor / Es todo sobre Amor

Life is very simple – Love is all that matters. Love is the most amazing thing in your life. It is what makes you Human, what makes your life worth living. Nothing else truly matters. Love does not make the World go around but it makes the ride worthwhile. The World today is just not working. You need ...

What is Love / Was ist Liebe / O que é Amor / Que es el Amor

The ancient Greeks called Love the madness of the gods. It is very easy to fall in Love, the difficulty is to stay in Love. If it is difficult to stay in Love, then it is not the love of your life. It is a Love experience. Love is always beautiful, if it is not beautiful, it is not Love. Love is a state of being. Love is a Human virtue ...

Life Is Magic / Leben ist Magie / Vida é Mágica / Vida es Mágica

As a child there was no doubt in your mind that magic and miracles exist. You immersed yourself in a World of wonder and amazing possibilities where you knew you could be, have, or do anything your heart desires. Everything feels like a miracle, from the way planes fly in the sky to going on an ...

Love is an act of Surrender / Liebe ist ein Akt der Hingabe / Amor é um ato de Rendição / Amor es un acto de Rendición

To surrender to Love, you will need to pay attention to your own emotions, moods, or thoughts that might lead you to act in less than loving ways. You may need to surrender pride, a sense of self-importance, or the need to have it your way, to feel superior to, or to have power over others. ...

1991-04-08 Florence, Italy / Love Affair / Liebesaffäre / Caso de Amor / Asunto de Amor

Did I really love my affair? Did my affair truly love me? Was the affair real or fantasy? Maybe, but not likely. It certainly felt like Love. Simply caught up in the illusion of Love. Love within the context of infidelity is an encounter between a person (the object of desire) and an experience (the passion ...

Of Life and Love / Des Lebens und der Liebe / Da vida e do Amor / De vida y Amor

Do not let the word Love define your Love. Love is the most powerful emotion a Human can experience. Very strange though that almost nobody knows what Love is. The word Love is not the same as your feeling of Love. The word Love is used and abused for the expression of different sets of feelings. The word ...

Love is gonna save Us / Liebe wird uns Retten / Amor vai nos Salvar / Amor va a Salvarnos

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Stones and flowers on the ground -We are lost and found -but Love is gonna save us - Shadows walking in the crowd -We are lost and found -but Love is gonna save us - This message is imperative to the future of governance, the development of an economic model that serves all people and the environment. In ...

What’s the point of Love / Was ist die Liebe / O que é o Amor / A quoi ça sert L’Amour

Philosophy of Love is the field of social philosophy and ethics that attempts to explain the nature of Love. There are many different theories that attempt to explain what Love is, and what function it serves. It would be very difficult to explain Love to a hypothetical person who had not himself or herself experienced Love or being loved. In fact, to such a person Love would ...

The Love of Truth / Die Liebe zur Wahrheit / O Amor da Verdade / El Amor de la Verdad

Work for a radical change in thought processes of humanity but do not give answers. Explain the path to achieve answers. Be free when acquiring knowledge. Be free to see and learn things in the way they are. Do not getting influenced by the World around during this process. Learn as you understand from your senses. Make conclusions by ...

I have lived and Loved / Ich habe gelebt und Geliebt / Eu vivi e Amei / He vivido y Amado

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Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for Love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me here and there, over a great ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair. I have lived a thousand lives and ...

Starving for Love / Hunger nach Liebe / Faminto por Amor / Hambriento de amor

Some people are just more difficult to love than others. Sometimes it is because they are offensive in some way - they act like jerks, they are ass-holes, they are selfish, they are narcissistic, they are aggressive and they are mean, etc., etc. They are this or they are that. Perhaps they have hurt us, wounded us, ...

Love Never Dies / Liebe stirbt Nie / O amor nunca Morre / El amor nunca Muere

Love changes people but true Love does not change. The faith in Love acts supernatural. Impossible things are made possible. Love is magical. True Love never ends but becomes more deep and colorful with time. The best experience of life is the feeling of true Love.  True Love is magical. It acts like medication for your ...

Save the love of your Life / Rette die Liebe Deines Lebens / Salve o amor da sua Vida / Salva el amor de tu Vida

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Willing to die for the Love of your life is usually reserved for the movies or when you read a story on Facebook or in the papers. Scientists tell us we do this instinctively, as it is about survival of the species. Philosophers tell us it is because we are altruistic. Theologians tell us it is about ...

Believe in Love / Glaube an Liebe / Acredite no Amor / Cree en el Amor

You are a firm believer in Love. You believe the Love of a single person has the ability to change the course of your life forever. You believe falling in Love changes you. You believe Love can transform you into the best version of yourself. You believe Love can last forever. You believe in Love the ...

Love is a Lie / Liebe ist eine Lüge / Amor é uma Mentira / Amor es una Mentira

Do you not know you can fool some people all the time and do you not know you can fool all the people some times but even so you can not fool all the people all the time. On Facebook, about 83 million users are 'Fake'. Of course many of those fake accounts belong to our pets, but ...

Like is more important than Love / Mögen ist wichtiger als Liebe / Gostou é mais importante que o Amor / Gustar es más importante que el Amor

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Marry someone you like. Not just someone you love. Like is actually more important and much more powerful than Love. Like is what really makes a relationship withstand the test of time. You can fall in Love with someone who is not right for you. Who you are not compatible with. Even with someone who mistreats ...

Slave to Love / Sklave der Liebe / Escravo do Amor / Esclavo del Amor

Romantic Love has been described as one of the most sublime Human experiences; it has also been viewed as an addiction and illness. The apparent paradox between being madly in Love and being addicted can be resolved by analyzing the nature of Love and particularly its depth. Profound Love can not be achieved by only repeating pleasant experiences. Love is not ...

The mystery of Sadness / Das Geheimnis der Traurigkeit / O mistério da Tristeza / Le Mystère de la Tristesse

Mystics speak of a great sorrow in contemplation. It is very common in our modern times to have an intense aversion to any talk of spiritual sadness as a virtue. We have a prevailing feeling that spirituality must always be uplifting and positive. This tendency arises out of a confusion about what Love truly is. We ...

1976-07-18 Montreal, Canada / Impossible Love / Unmögliche Liebe / Amor Impossível / Amor Imposible

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Impossible Love is the desire for someone that has very little likelihood of fulfillment. Typically, the object of impossible Love is thought of as someone who can appease your desires, but for various reasons is beyond your reach. Since humans are motivated to maximize positive emotions and minimize negative ones, experiencing impossible Love is stressful. The obstacles in ...