The energy of Vibration / Die Energie der Vibration / A energia da Vibração / La energía de la Vibración

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The entire material World is nothing but vibration.

When you experience the ocean of infinite waves surging within, the river of inner sensations flowing within, the eternal dance of the countless vibrations within every atom of the body, you witness your continuously changing nature.

All of this is happening at an extremely subtle level … As you experience the reality of matter to be vibration, you also start experiencing the reality of the mind:

Consciousness, perception, sensation and reaction. Everything that manifests itself in your life is there because it matches the vibration from your thoughts.

We each have our own vibrations, and vibrate at our own rate. Vibrations vary in intensity within each person as well as from person to person, depending upon the experiences being manifested.

We are attuned to our own vibrations – this attunement is acted upon or varied by the forces surrounding or within us.

It would seem that vibrations act as a cohesive agent in all nature – holding things together – as all force is vibration.

All bodies radiate those vibrations with which it, the body, controls itself, in mental, and physical, and such radiation is called the aura. Each functioning organ of the sensory system reflects a different vibration.

We are made up of nothing more than vibrating energy. Humans are made of cells, which are made of atoms, which are made of particles, and those particles are just vibrating energy.

Every atom is just a probability wave, and most stuff we call physical matter is really made up of completely empty space.

We are more empty space than physical stuff; more vibration than mass. Thus, we can be very strongly impacted either positively or negatively by vibrational energy.

When parts of the body become stressed or dis-eased, they are no longer producing the correct sound wave; they are not vibrating at their prime optimal resonant frequency.

To re-establish or recalibrate your frequency, you need to understand how lower and higher vibrations affect your energy and health.

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