The fate of a whole Planet / Das Schicksal eines ganzen Planeten / O destino de um planeta Inteiro / El destino de todo un Planeta

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Life exists here only because it teeters in a delicate and truly improbable balance.

Our atmosphere, proximity to the sun, and countless other beautiful coincidences not only permit living things to survive and evolve, but also to thrive.

And yet, here we are, sitting at desks and in coffee shops and walking down the street like ithis is not some kind of miracle.

But all good things must come to an end.

One day Earth will be inhospitable to anything resembling life as we know it.

The life on this planet likely will not cease until billions of years from now but it could also happen tomorrow or anytime in between.

The major threat to the future is our collective influence on the climate, environment and biodiversity.

The Earth is so many things and we are many things as well. We are made up from the Earth in a complex yet simple way.

When we die, we go back to the Earth in whatever way that may be, whether in ashes or whole. In a lot of ways we are very similar to the Earth.

We go through cycles as Human beings just as the Earth goes through cycles, just on different scales.

The Earth grows and dies, it changes and shifts, it warms up and cools down, the Earth produces life and is fed back the things it creates.

The Earth asks us to take care of it so that in doing so we take care of ourselves and our future generations.

It asks us to be aware that we are as much a part of the Earth than anything else and the Earth and its nature is a part of everything.

The Earth asks of us to be content with how it is, to be content with ourselves and know that everything will change and grow at the pace and ways it needs to.

To not push it over its limits, to not turn nature into something we can not even call natural anymore.

The Earth asks us as to keep it clean and healthy, to keep ourselves clean and healthy.

We need to stop polluting our homes, to stop destroying our natural environments, and in that to keep our water and air clean for the other living beings so that they too can live peacefully and naturally without problems.

We must give back what it has given us.

When we create things that are bad for the Earth and will pollute nature then we are polluting ourselves.

And possibly destroying nature on Earth and all that comes with it for our future generations of the Human race and animals and plants.

The Earth asks us to be patient with it. To not rush things that need to happen naturally.

We will change with the Earth and the Earth will change because of our actions. This is something that is bound to happen and has been happening.

Evolution will always be continuing. It is in the way we evolve and the things we do to grow that will determine what the Earth asks of us.

We’re talking about the fate of a whole planet. Why are people so polite? Why are they so patient? Why are they so forgiving of gangsterism and betrayal?

It’s very difficult to understand. I believe that it’s because the dominator culture is increasingly more and more sophisticated in its perfection of subliminal mechanisms of control.

And I don’t mean anything grandiose and paranoid, I just mean that through press releases and sound bites and the enforced idiocy of television, the drama of a dying World has been turned into a soap opera for most people.

And they don’t understand that it’s their story, and they will eat it in the final act, if somewhere between here and the final act, they don’t stand up on their hind legs and howl.

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