The power of Negativity / Die Kraft der Negativität / O poder da Negatividade / El poder de la Negatividad

For the most part, you are so used to your negative thinking that you are not even aware when you are doing it.

Consequently, you need to listen closely to the content of your thoughts, and you need to hear your words as you speak them.

Negative thinking is your enemy. It dampens your enthusiasm and motivation.

It contributes to indecision, inertia, procrastination and outright derailment of your goal-directed actions. It defeats you. It beats you. It creates the bad luck that you will later bemoan.

You are your own worst enemy when you indulge your negative thinking and tell yourself:

‘It is not going to work out … I am unlucky … Something will go wrong … Such and such will happen and I am just going to be more miserable, so why bother?’

There are an endless number of negative messages in all shapes and sizes that discourage you from being proactive and going forth into the World.

And now is as good a time as any to stop playing this losing hand, to stop giving these negative messages any power.

When you recognize the negative thoughts and words, you need to stop them and counter them with alternative messages that are positive and optimistic, based on truth, not fear.

You are the master of your fate, whether you allow your fear or your optimism to propel you forward.

Just because things have not worked out in the past does not mean they never will. Just because you have been rejected and disappointed in the past, does not mean that this is your eternal fate.

Just because you have been plagued with failure and perceived bad luck does not mean that this is the way it always will or must be.

You must be vigilant over your thoughts, stop the negativity and be positive and enthusiastic regardless of adversity and seemingly overwhelming odds against you.

And push forward with one true thought always in the forefront of your Consciousness.

Win, lose or draw, it is much better to play the game than watch from the sidelines.

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