Thinking about your Mother / An Deine Mutter Denken / Pensando em sua Mãe / Pensando en tu Madre

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Well, it happened like this … I’m on the plane in India, I am with a friend who wants to go up to the mountains to see his Hindu Guru. I don’t want to go, but he wants to use the car that I’m taking care of for a friend, so I’m trapped, and I’m burned out on hashish, and I really want to go home, and I’ve never found anybody, and I’m discouraged. I figure I’ll become a shoe salesman or something, you know.

So we stay overnight on the way going up to the mountains, and during the night I go out to go to the toilet, and I’m under the stars, and the stars are very present, and I think about my mother. She comes very strongly to mind, and Freudians have had no end of fun with the fact that I’m peeing and thinking about my mother … but leaving that aside … I don’t tell anybody, I just go to bed.

The next day I continue up the mountain with my friend, and we come to this little temple, and he gets out, he’s crying, going to see his guru, and I’m just like, Let’s get this over with, but then people surround the car, and they tell my friend where to go.

They are saying, Come on, come on, so I get out and stumble up this path, and under a tree is sitting this old man with a blanket around him and about eight people, and my friend is flat on his face touching this guy’s feet, and I think I sure as hell am not going to do that.

I sat down with him, but I still wouldn’t touch or you know. I was just gonna put up with it. He sat really close to me, and he looked at me, and he said in Hindi, there was a translator there, ‘You were under the stars last night.’ I said, ‘Yeah, like I mean the likelihood you are gonna be out under the stars is pretty good.’

Then he closed his eyes for a second and he said, ‘You were thinking about your mother.’ Now just put yourself in my position … Harvard professor of psychology, you know, like I’ve got my virginity to protect here. I’ve got my social science, and this quaint little man, how does he know that? I haven’t told anybody that.


Then he tells me, ‘She died last year.’


And I could feel the sweat started to come down my arms and my spine started to tingle, and the whole funny, very strange feeling. And he said, ‘She got very big in the belly before she died.’ ‘Yeah’, I said, and that was all in Hindi. Then he leaned forward really close to me and in English, which was bizarre, because he never spoke English later, he said, ‘Spleen’, and I fell apart.

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