Thoughts change your Brain / Gedanken ändern dein Gehirn / Pensamentos mudam seu Cérebro / Pensamientos cambian tu Cerebro

Your body is physically reacting, literally changing, in response to your thoughts.

Thinking about something causes your brain to release neurotransmitters, chemical messengers that allow it to communicate with parts of itself and your nervous system.

Neurotransmitters control virtually all of your functions and emotions, from feeling happy, sad, to stressed.

Thoughts alone improve vision, fitness, and strength. The placebo effect works because of the power of thought.

Expectancies and associations change brain chemistry and circuitry which results in real physiological outcomes, such as less fatigue, lower immune system reaction, elevated hormone levels, and reduced anxiety.

Every thought you have causes neurochemical changes, some temporary and some lasting.

If you have been bombarding your cells with peptides from negative thoughts, you are literally programming your cells to receive more of the same negative peptides in the future.

What is even worse is that you are lessening the number of receptors of positive peptides on the cells, making yourself more inclined towards negativity.

Every cell in your body is replaced about every two months. So, the good news is, you can reprogram your pessimistic cells to be more optimistic by adopting positive thinking practices, like mindfulness and gratitude, for permanent results.

You are speaking to your genes with every thought you have. Who you are is the product of the things that happen to you in your life, which change the way your genes operate.

Genes are actually switched on or off depending on your life experiences, and your genes and lifestyle form a feedback loop.

Your life does not alter the genes you were born with. What changes is your genetic activity, meaning the hundreds of proteins, enzymes, and other chemicals that regulate your cells.

Only about 5% of gene mutations are thought to be the direct cause of health issues. That leaves 95% of genes linked to disorders acting as an influencers, which can be influenced one way or another, depending on life factors.

Many of these are beyond your control, but some are entirely within your control, such as diet, exercise, stress management, and emotional states. The last two factors are directly dependent on your thoughts.

Your genetic activity is determined by your thoughts, attitudes, and perceptions. Your perceptions and thoughts control your biology. By changing your thoughts, you can influence and shape your own genetic readout.

Meditation and mindfulness put you in contact with the source of the mind-body system, giving your thoughts direct access to beneficial genetic activity.

You have much more power than ever believed to influence your physical and mental realities. Your mindset is recognized by your body.

The more you improve your mental habits, the more beneficial response you will get from your body. You can not control what has happened in the past, which shaped the brain you have today.

However, you do have the power in this moment and going forward to choose your perspective and behavior, which will change your brain, cells, and genes.

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