True Resignation / Wahrhaftige Resignation / Verdadeira Renúncia / Verdadera Resignación

Supposing I say, everybody is playing the game ‘Me first’. Now, I’m going to play the game ‘You first’. To use the phrase of Bonhoeffer, who called Jesus the man for others.

Now, let’s see if we can play that game. Instead of ‘Me first’ ‘You first’. After you, please. Will you, please.

You know, what a way this is, putting everybody down. See, I’m the one who is so generous, I’m the one who’s so loving, so self-effacing and all you with inferior brats could go first. I try to convince you to play ‘You first’.

But the success of convincing you on that is relatively small and therefore the in-group will always be the people playing ‘You first’. And therefore they will get the honors.

So, when you think that through, and you say I can not stop playing ‘Me first’. There’s no way of not doing it.

And what does it mean when I’m in a trap that I can’t get out of? There is no way of getting out of this trap.

Well, what it means is, that you and the trap are the same thing. You’re not caught. Because when there’s nobody in the trap, there’s no trap.

See that, as long as you think you’re in a trap then your trap got you. But when you know you are the trap then what does the trap got.

If you’re trying to get out of the game, you’re trapped. No way out. But when you have found that you and the game are the same, there’s no game to get out of, there’s no one to get out of the game. And that’s true resignation.

So, in just the same way as to repent of leads to the understanding. That you’re a phony even in repenting. Resignation leads to the understanding that even in resigning, you can’t resign.

You don’t have to play. This is the point, I’m going to repeat this, because it is crucial. It isn’t that you have to play.

Because that would make you feel a victim of some process beyond your Self that has been telling you.

It is that, the playing is you and nobody is shoving you around. Because you are in the universe which seems to constrain you are not to things.

If you play the game that you are only here, then you will feel pushed around. But when, through trying to resign from either pushing around or being pushed around you discover that it can’t be done.

You then become very much aware there is no point getting away from anything.

Where is away?

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