Truth is Elusive / Wahrheit ist schwer zu Fassen / A verdade é Esquiva / La verdad es Esquiva

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We automatically lie, we lie without being able to tell that we are lying. We both lie and become the lie, all in the one go. Whenever you say what something is, then straightaway you lie.

Truth is elusive, it can not be pointed at or nailed down in any kind.

It can only be alluded to, indirectly referred to, hinted at in metaphor or intimated in poetic allusion.

Our everyday speech is very impoverished in metaphor and poetic allusion, and heavily loaded with flat literalisms, literalisms that clank mechanically like tin cans being banged together by an idiot.

The game is blind obedience or servitude to a thing, any ‘thing’, which you do not see as a mere dead thing because you never look at it.

You make sure that you never question the things that you allow yourself to be enslaved by because if you did question them you would be aware of the lack of dignity that such servitude entails.

Instead of seeing this painful truth, you dignify your servitude – at the same time as refusing to question the dead thing that you serve we enshrine it, you make it your god.

By doing this you validate your meaningless servitude, you get to feel that what you are doing is right.

You then say that what you are doing is your duty and so get to feel good about it. you contrive by your obedience to the lie to feel superior rather than seeing what your true situation is.

Your true situation is that of a clown in a circus ring who makes his audience laugh by taking himself seriously, when he is so obviously absurd.

Obeying the thing is therefore the same as ‘obeying the lie’ or, it is the same as ‘worshipping the lie’. You do not just obey it, you place it on a pedestal, you turn it into a public virtue.

The lie is your thinking, your way of understanding and communicating about the World. The lie is the restrictive pattern of living that limits and represses your true nature.

The ‘business’ that you are always so engrossed in, which you are always so caught up in, is the policing and enforcing of ‘the lie’ – this is where all your efforts go, into constantly working towards creating a better and more effective prison for yourself.

Your obsession is to work away, constantly, tirelessly, dementedly, at forging better chains for yourself, to shackle you the more securely to the dead things that you worship.

This is what we call being imprisoned as a false identity in a meaningless system. Being an unthinking slave to lies, whilst being free is a crime, a scandal, a disgrace.

To be what you are not and do what your heart does not want to do (and to lie to yourself about this falsehood on a daily basis) is the unhappy situation that you are obliged to maintain at your own expense.

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