We ask for Blessings / Wir bitten um Segen / Pedimos Bênçãos / Pedimos Bendiciones

May all beings everywhere in the World plagued with sufferings of body and mind quickly be freed from their illnesses. May those frightened in the World cease to be afraid, and may those bound be free.

May the powerless find power, and may people everywhere in the World think of befriending one another.

May those who find themselves lost in fear – the children, the aged, the unprotected – be guarded by beneficent celestials

I pray for patience and understanding. I pray for strength and wisdom. I pray for healing and inner peace. May my intellect be steady and without agitation. May it be clear without anger or passion.

May my perception of the World be clear, my discrimination subtle, my judgment correct and quick, and my comprehension of persons and situations precise and wise.

Replace the tension within me with relaxation. Replace the turbulence within me with calmness. Replace the anxiety within me with confidence. Replace the fear within me with faith.

Replace the bitterness within me with grace. Replace the darkness within me with light. Replace the coldness within me with warmth.

We call up on celestial realms,
the Angelic beings, the planetary guides and protectors,
and the ascended ones
to bless mankind and to be present here with us.
We call up on the Divine light of Love, Truth and Harmony
to shine in places that need healing and guide our way.
We ask for these blessing with great reverence,
from our Mother – the Earth, the Sky, the Moon, the Stars,
the Sun – our Father.
May we always remember we are pure Consciousness,
the essence of Life, the source of all things.
May we find the courage to let go fear and the pain of past conditioning.
Let us walk upon the Earth gently, as true Spiritual Warriors,
into dimensional midwifes giving birth to our True self.
Letting go of separation, evolving beyond limitation
into divine self-expression thereby assisting into a co-creation
of a dawning light filled World.
Om Shanti, Shanti …

Nomade Tulum is a Human centered hotel, conceived as a temporary habitat for those ready to learn and share, ready to awake the soul, and free the mind.

It is a space in a sacred land where the mind, body and soul will be delighted and fulfilled by mother nature.

Located on the main beach of Tulum just steps away from the sea, it is surrounded by the most beautiful sanded beaches along the Caribean side.

Nomade Spirit … to be in never ending movement, walking this planet, expanding the horizons and landscapes … transforming ourselves to be free from thoughts and judgments.

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