Wolves change Rivers / Wölfe ändern Flüsse / Lobos mudam os Rios / Lobos cambian los Ríos

Nature is a beautiful act of balance. You are nature. You do not have or own nature.

The source of your unhappiness is your ignorance of nature. So, listen to the voice of nature, for nature holds important treasures for you.

Human/wildlife conflict is a reality of growing populations around the World, and the fact is that we need to learn to live beside wildlife if we are to maintain our wonderful thriving ecosystems in the future.

Humans conducted a huge real-life experiment by removing and then eventually reintroducing wolves from a large tract of land.

The ecological changes forged by the lack of wolves were subtle so they were not noticed.

But the results of this real-life reintroduction experiment undoubtedly indicate that wolves are an integral part of the ecosystem.

They certainly are essential to restoring and maintaining the natural ecology of the entire Yellowstone region.

This phenomenon is known amongst ecologists as a trophic cascade. In this scenario, a top-down cascade was observed when the top predator, the wolf, was exterminated from most of its natural range.

Removing the top predator triggered a wide range of effects that cascaded down through the entire web of life.

Although only a total of 41 wolves were reintroduced and their total population remains small, they act as ecosystem engineers.

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