2016-02-29 Boa Vista – Rorainopolis

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I was excited about the day and woke up early. I packed my backpack and left my beach resort with my last 6 Reales, walked in the early morning heat to the shopping and waited for the next bus. The bus was 3 Reales and I spent the remaining 3 Reales for a Coca Cola to fully wake up and walk the last bit from the bus terminal to Volkswagen Perin. I spoke quickly to Victor and sat down on the black leather sofa in the waiting room to work on the computer.

Boa Vista

Just minutes before lunch, Victor came to pick me up and we drove to TC Cash Exchange to pick up my money. We waited in line and just when it was our turn the server lost the connection. The second option was Banco do Brasil actually right next to Volkswagen Perin and so we drove back and had to face the typical Monday morning queue. Victor pulled a ticket but did not have the patience to wait; Victor decided to go back to the TC Cash Exchange after lunch. That was fine with me except I did not have any more money for lunch or even a drink.

My only option was to go to the snack stand at the hospital and ask for a credit for 2 cups of Maracuja juice and a slice of pizza. This was already the second time I had to ask for a credit but the owner did not bother; 50 % of his clients, the hospital staff consumed on credit and paid according to every individual agreement and personal economic situation. My agreement was a 4 Real credit for 2 to 4 hours and was accepted by the owner. I had a slice of pizza, but more important, I had something to drink and even more important, I had the confidence and the credit line of the owner, a person, I did not really know and who did not really know me, my background, my work, my economic situation, my whereabouts, my address, just nothing at all. Nevertheless, he had that little confidence in a stranger, in a Gringo stranger.

Boa Vista

Victor and I drove to TC Cash Exchange one more time and the computer had access to the server, the server had access to the transfer code, the transfer code wanted access to Victor’s identification and I wanted to have access to my cash. I was still a bit nervous, the assistant kept working, all data was confirmed, the receipt printed and the money counted, 4189 Reales. Victor did not touch the money and the assistant who had been so unfriendly during my 2 visits had to put the money into my hands. I felt rich, immensely rich. Thank you, Victor for so much patience, for your time and for your friendliness.


We drove back to Volkswagen Perin; the car was basically ready, just another 30 minutes for all the paperwork. I paid the revision in cash and was just waiting for the company’s check to arrive with Sedex. Victor had forgotten about our payment agreement, revision in cash and parking for 3 month with check. He went to the administration office and came back with the envelope and my check. I had scheduled everything for Monday and it worked out, Western union, revision and check. My friend was ready, paid for and waiting for me at the entrance. I went one more time to Victor’s office to thank him one last time.

Boa Vista

I drove to the gas station, filled up the tank and drove into the night and towards Manaus, I put my foot next to the steering wheel and listened to a mix of my friend Albert. I was rich and reunited with my friend; I was mobile and had a home. I wanted to drive as much as possible; I had a good chance to get the Wednesday ship to Belem. I drove one third of the way but then did not want to continue further into the night. I went to the local hospital of Rorainopolis and tried to get some sleep.

Boa Vista

For a small understanding of the days travel, I have included a Google Earth map. The red pins mark the locations I have stopped and taken pictures. At the bottom of the page you will find a link for all the pictures I have taken. The link will open in a Google+ Album. At the top right of this Google+ Album you will find the button for a Slideshow.

Please click on map to enlarge!!!

2016-02-29 Boa Vista - Manaus

See map and distances / Siehe Karte und Entfernungen / Ver mapa e distâncias / Ver mapa y distancias

0 km      Boa Vista

55 km    Mucajai

135 km  Caracarai

290 km  Rorainopolis

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