Could I be Wrong / Könnte Ich falsch Liegen / Poderia estar errado Eu / Podría estar Equivocado

No one enjoys being wrong. It is an unpleasant emotional experience. The question is how do you respond when it turns out you were wrong.

You refuse to admit you are wrong, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. You simply can not admit you were wrong in any circumstances.

Your Ego, your very sense-of-self is weak.

You have such a fragile Ego, such a fragile self-esteem, such a weak psychological constitution, that admitting you made a mistake or you were wrong is too threatening for your Ego to tolerate.

Accepting you were wrong, absorbing that reality, is so psychologically shattering, your defense mechanisms do something remarkable to avoid doing so.

You distort your perception of reality to make it less threatening.

Your defense mechanisms protect your fragile Ego by changing the very facts in your mind, so you are no longer wrong or culpable.

You are psychologically fragile and that assessment is difficult to accept, because to the outside world, you look confidently standing your ground and not backing down, things we associate with strength.

But psychological rigidity is not a sign of strength, it is an indication of weakness.

You are not choosing to stand your ground; you are compelled to do so in order to protect your fragile Ego. Admitting you are wrong is unpleasant, it is bruising for any Ego.

It takes a certain amount of emotional strength and courage to deal with that reality and own up to our mistakes. Most of us sulk a bit when we have to admit we are wrong, but we get over it.

So, get over it.

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