Dreams of past Times / Träume vergangener Zeiten / Sonhos de tempos Passados / Sueños de tiempos Pasados

When you dream about someone you like, the most probable would be that, you have been thinking about that person way too much.

And it is very likely that you were thinking about that person when you fell asleep.

This creates an imprint of your thoughts on your subconscious mind, which gets reflected in your dreams.

When you dream about someone you like, it has more to do with certain aspects like their personality, or the relationship you share with them, rather than the person itself.

Dreaming about someone you like could simply be a manifestation of your infatuation or attraction towards them.

If the person likes you back, the dream signifies your acceptance, self-confidence and self-respect.

If the person appears to reject you in the dream, it is a sign of being low on yourself and a feeling of insecurity creeps in.

You are not confident about winning the person over and are mentally preparing yourself for rejection, so that it doesn’t hurt you that badly.

This could be considered as a kind of defense mechanism implemented by the subconscious.

When you dream about someone you had liked in the past, not the person, but the pattern of events related to them are important.

You may be facing a similar pattern in your current life, or experiencing strikingly similar feelings, like the ones you had for them.

The thoughts of someone you like are on your mind all day, and more precisely, before you sleep.

Dreaming about someone you like is therefore, not at all an uncommon experience.

All the analysis and derivations of these dreams imply that, it is our mind which indulges into a constant process of accepting and rejecting certain thoughts.

All these thoughts and feelings together create various kinds of emotions. Dreams are probably the manifestation of these thoughts and feelings.

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