Drugs are so Enjoyable / Drogen sind so Angenehm / Drogas são tão Agradáveis / Drogas son tan Agradables

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Let’s face it: Humans are totally crazy for sex, for getting wasted, and for enjoying all kinds of entertainment.

Massive industries and crime organizations already exploit these most basic Human needs and desires.

After arms and oil, drugs is the biggest money-spinning market on the planet, pulling in 200 billion every year. Porn is a 97 billion industry worldwide. 

Drugs are fun. They must be fun, given the scale of drug use and the long history we Humans have of using them.

Our early ancestors lived as hunter-gatherers and they undoubtedly started to collect considerable information on drugs.

Schematically, psychoactive substances have been used (i) in religious ceremonies by priests; (ii) for medicinal purposes; or (iii) massively for pleasure and fun by large segments of the population in a socially approved way.

Potentially addictive drugs have been used by a significant proportion of the population on a regular basis, to the point that they have been considered normal. Alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine are examples of widely consumed drugs. 

We are not only ‘Homo Sapiens’ and ‘Homo Faber’ – we are ‘Homo Ludens’. We like to play and enjoy.

The ‘Homo Ludens’ of the future will be a consumption junkie. People will constantly buy stuff that is hyped up by an enormous advertising and marketing industry.

As people will be monitored constantly through their smartphones, TV sets, home robots, watches, or cars, marketers will know in real time what product or service people might want in a particular moment.

On-demand consumer product supply and on-demand services will be developed and povided.

When you are hungry – someone will offer you a pizza; when you are lonely – a chat bot will call you on the phone.

When you are horny – a sex robot will ring on your door; when you are bored – you will be offered an adventure trip to a VR jungle camp.

When you want to get wasted – a delivery robot will bring you any drug legally available.

Thus will probably be the brave new consumer World of the year 3000.

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