Freedom from Consumerism / Freiheit vom Konsum / Liberdade do Consumismo / Libertad del Consumismo

The collective unconsciousness of mankind itself is sick.

We exist in a World wherein a negative biofeedback loop broadcasts in constancy; we have created a culture which in itself is sick enough to infect generations which have not yet been born.

So, how to begin an approach toward an illness so effective, so evasive, modern Society has failed to detect it.

If man is to survive, man must find means to free itself from its addiction. Freedom from addiction leads to freedom from codependence. This creates room to begin to regain living function.

So long as the individual is unaware, soulless, he has an ever-present, deep-seated, instinctive hunger to consume.

In moments of Consciousness he is overcome by shame at what atrocious acts he has committed.

In seeing his violent and grotesque crimes against life, he becomes bound by shame, and with no thread to tie him to his conscious state, again he flees into addiction and codependent consumption.

Freedom from dysfunction is the door which opens the freedom to be well, psychologically as well as physiologically.

The consumptive culture is a byproduct of capitalism. That it is dysfunctional and not sustainable is an unintended consequence of the civilization of codependency.

When one leaves the affliction, one becomes free to again regain living function. The functionality is the trademark trait of the living, as healthy instincts to life call at all times for order against dysfunction.

We live in an ever-changing Society dominated by science and technological globalism. Science is fallible, and yet it is worshipped as if it were godlike.

In such a changing, rootless World, man must seek  to listen to his own inner values – so long as he is not afflicted by sickness.

In modernity, when man fails to do this, man is left with the choice to succumb to the worship of a long-dead religious deity.

Failing this, man learns to cleave to modern science as if it were an adequate substitute for man’s inner divine Consciousness.

Failing these two choices, man succumbs instead to sickness, despair, and addiction.

Sick Society is permissive, liberal, rootless, and devoid of purpose. It teaches consumption for the sake of consumption. It functions only because its peoples are ignorant of its existence.

We need freedom from ignorance as well as freedom to obtain authentic existence, authentic experience, and authentic knowledge. Instead, man is born inundated by false social truth, littered to impart to further the sickness of rampant consumerism.

Sick Society breaks the individual. It breaks the self, and after this there is no such luxury as a blank slate on which to rewrite, redefine the Self.

Freedom from ignorance grants the power to meet oneself. In modernity this becomes a process of locating and collecting all the psychologically-fragmented puzzle pieces.

This involves not only being free to pursue one’s fragmented parts, but also the freedom to reject the addiction, the impulse-seeking, ego-driven compulsions within man’s sickness.

Apparent now is that man’s affliction is, at least in the first physiological manifestation, a spiritual disease gone viral.

The second stage of disease becomes a social disease, until finally it consumes the host entirely as it steals man of his life. We must catch the virus in its early stages, while it is still a spiritual sickness.

Man is the singular species evolved on this Earth to be sentient; we have developed our Consciousness and we have developed systems of philosophies and mansions of thought.

It is the presence of Consciousness which is definitive of what it means to be a Human being. When the conscious life of man is healthy, it is a conscious life which fulfills him. Man becomes spiritually awakened.

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