Hostile Planet / Feindlicher Planet / Planeta Hostil / Planeta Hostil

Earth may be the only place we know that is full of diverse life but that does not make it a friendly planet.

Against all odds, species have found ways to survive in the World’s most inhospitable landscapes.

Every day is a struggle to survive, but animals continue to adapt to the toughest challenges.

The epic battles for survival take on an urgency as animals face intensified wildfires, blizzards, droughts and downpours.

To some, the new challenges are too much, but others, it presents new opportunities.

The factor determining survival is often not superiority over another in competition.

But ability to survive dramatic changes in environmental conditions, such as after a meteor impact energetic enough to greatly change the environment globally.

The rise of dominant groups such as amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds occurred by opportunistic expansion into empty ecological niches.

And the extinction of groups happened due to large shifts in the environment.

Many of the most identified causes of these changes in environmental conditions are Human activities.

Since the Human activities that are implicated in environmental change are aimed at satisfying Human needs and desires, those activities can only be expected to increase as the population grows.

If present trends continue, the pressures on the environment are likely to grow faster than the population.

Possible ways to directly induce behavioral change include the use of coercion (legislation and regulation) ans incentives (tax and other monetary incentives, public recognition, and awards).

Education (making people aware of problems and what can be done about them), and persuasion (appeals to moral responsibility or the possibility of embarrassment or shame).

All of these methods have been tried, many times in some cases, and in numerous variations.

Finding ways to change the technology so that it is equally effective while doing less harm to the environment is a complementary alternative to attempting to modify behavior directly.

This is the motivation for the concerted efforts to develop environmentally benign alternatives to the burning of fossil fuels for energy generation and for many other current research activities in the physical and biological sciences.  

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