How to stop Worrying / Wie man aufhört sich zu Sorgen / Como parar de se Preocupar / Cómo dejar de Preocuparse

Worry not only puts a strain on your mental health, but on your physical health, too. While worry itself is not bad, too much of it can lead to anxiety, which can have a lasting impact on health and happiness.

The problem with worrying is that it becomes a cycle of self perpetuating negative thoughts, a chain of thoughts and images that are affectively negative and relatively uncontrollable.

Worrying about worrying is a dangerous cycle to fall into.

So then let’s consider first of all what is a mind in the grip of vicious circles. Well, one of the most obvious instances that we all know is the phenomenon of worry.

The doctor tells you that you have to have an operation. And that has been set up so that automatically everybody worries about it.

But since worrying takes away your appetite and your sleep, it’s not good for you. But you can’t stop worrying and therefore you get additionally worried that you are worrying.

And then furthermore because that is quite absurd and you’re mad at yourself because you do it, you are worried because you are worried you are worried.

That is a vicious circle.

All that time you spend examining your Facebook newsfeed probably is not doing your mental health any favors.

Nearly half of people feel worried or uncomfortable being away from email or Facebook.

You need to reestablish control over the technology they use, rather than being controlled by it. Take some time to find some zen!

The most effective strategies to stop worrying are the ones based in mindfulness, which involves nonjudgmental Awareness of present thoughts and emotions, as well as cognitive behavioral therapy strategies.

If you are caught up in worry when you try to force yourself to stop worrying, you may want to try a different strategy – acceptance.

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