Identify with your Soul / Identifiziere dich mit deiner Seele / Identifique-se com sua Alma / Identifica con tu Alma

There is a difference between your Ego and your soul. Your Ego is the image you have of yourself and your social mask, whereas your soul is who you truly are. It is eternal, divine and inherently worthwhile.

When you align with your soul, life flows more naturally and taking action is less of a struggle. You feel greater freedom, joy, satisfaction, empowerment and inner peace. You love and accept yourself deeply.

You are not taught how to align with your soul, and after years of being controlled by your fears, worries and constant chatter of your Ego.

It can take a little patience to find your way to this place of safety and strength within you.

Spend time in nature. Nature has a calming effect and reminds you to slow down, take deep breaths and soak up the present moment.

Yoga is a beautiful way to align your mind with your body. You focus your attention on your breathing and positioning, so you get a chance to silence your mind and cultivate a lasting sense of inner Peace.

Meditate and tune out from the noise of the World and your own internal worries and circling thoughts.  your inner guide has a moment to speak to you. Spend five minutes meditating with the mantra

I have got nowhere to go, nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to do.

When you are giving your time, energy and Love to other people, you momentarily forget all of your worries and problems, and align with your true spirit, which is generous and open-hearted.

Lose yourself in something you love. When you are caught up in something you really love, your mind goes quiet and your soul takes over.

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