Live a happy and healthy Life / Lebe ein glückliches und gesundes Leben / Viva uma vida feliz e saudável / Vive una vida feliz y Sana

What is the best way to live your life? What is that you know there got to be ways you could be putting forward the most positive energy. I mean, we know objectively what’s causing pollution.

We know objectively what’s causing birth defects and we’re taking in too much chemicals and not enough vitamins. We know objectively all this stuff.

We know how to organize our World and yet we don’t do it. We know how to organize our health and yet very few people do it.

The right path to like being like a happy, healthy person is to do all the shit that we already know you’re supposed to do. Take care of your body, take care of your health, take care of your mind, your stress, meditate, be kind. We all know that. You ask anybody they know how to get by and to be the most evolved version of you – you could be.

Healthy foods in your body. Many, many vegetables, vegetables, a lot of good, good quality protein, a lot of water, stop the sodas, stop the bullshit, start working out your body and get a better sense of like how this machine feels when it’s moving, it’s flowing better. There is less tension in it, your mind feels like relaxed and you enjoy every single moment of the day better. Step one, everybody knows that step right.

What’s step two? Be cool to people, be nice to as many people as you can. Smile at as many people as you, have them smile back at you. Tip well when you go to restaurants. Just do the most you can. What else? Do what you want to do with your life, right? Don’t be doing something you don’t enjoy. Don’t do something that’s, don’t get locked into, doing something crazy because you need money. Don’t, don’t do that. Do what you want to do. Because if someone else is doing it, you can do it.

Enjoy every moment of every day. Be good to people, be kind.

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