Reality is an Illusion / Realität ist eine Illusion / Realidade é uma Ilusão / Realidad es una Ilusión

You are living an illusion. None of this is real. Yet this illusion points to what is real, and can give you an experience of it. How can you see the illusion as an illusion when it appears so real?

How is it that it seems so real if it is an illusion? The illusion seems so real because so many believe that it is not an illusion. In your World, everything is as you believe it to be.

Once, you believed that the sun revolved around the Earth, all of your evidences proved so.

You were so certain of this truth that you developed an entire science of astronomy around it.

Once, you believed that everything physical moved from one point to another through time and space, all of your evidence proved so.

You were so certain of this truth that you developed an entire science of physics around it.

The incredible wonder of these sciences and these systems is, they worked for you.

The science of astronomy that the Earth was the center of the universe worked to explain the visual phenomena you saw in the movement of the planets in the sky each night.

Your observations supported your belief and created what you then called knowledge.

The science of physics that you created out of your belief about particles of matter worked to explain the visual phenomena you saw in the physical World around you.

]Your observations supported your belief and created what you then called knowledge.

Which came first, the belief or the observation?

When you looked more closely at what you were seeing, you changed your mind. Yet that change of mind did not come easily.

The idea of a new astronomy, with the Earth revolving around the sun, or of quantum physics, in which particles were seen to disappear in one place and reappear in anotherwere scientific blasphemy.

Their proponents were discouraged, denounced, and even put to death for their beliefs.

Is it possible that you see what you want to see?

Is it possible that you observe what you expect to observe?

This is the inquiry you did not wish to make.

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