Stop at Nothing / Stop vor Nichts / Pare em Nada / Pare en Nada

Women are expected to be beautiful and attractive. This has sadly created a culture where women are not taken seriously.

They have been objectified as being less than men, which is seen from the treatment of young girls to the treatment of powerful women in office.

It is difficult for women to be taken seriously because of the negative media image that women are all body and no brain.

No matter their education or achievements, a woman’s value is only recognized in her appearance.

The media is sending a negative message where boys are being taught that women are nothing but objects.

This sensual imagery of attractive young women has caused young girls to feel worse about themselves in the process.

Many young girls try to achieve these impossible beauty standards, which often leads to depression or eating disorders.

The media has made it clear that women are nothing more than their bodies, and they can be treated in any manner that they have seen fit.

It is a mindset. It is not your mindset. You have your own mindset. You have a mind of a woman.

Your mind is an impenetrable force that no matter what happens around you, you do not lose your ground.

And because you have that kind of a mindset, you understand that possibilities exist all around you.

You just need to be willing to make the most of them and not give up … because you have your mind set … because you are a woman.

Women have never had so many opportunities to pursue their dreams and step into their greatest potential.

They have never been so empowered to write their own stories, rather than to simply live the stories that others have written for them.

You are a child of God. You are meant to shine, as children do. It is not just in some; it is in every woman. Let your light shine, you unconsciously give other women permission to do the same.

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