Storms we Face / Stürme denen Wir Gegenüberstehen / Tempestades que Enfrentamos / Tormentas que Enfrentamos

Life is often compared to stormy seas.

Any sailor or fisherman will tell you that storms are part of life for those who are at sea and for the families that are at home. No matter how hard you try to avoid them, they come.

There are storms and difficulties in every Human life, whether we like it or not. They may terrify you, scare you, and threaten your security and life, and you may feel as though you are sinking in a black hole.

Being Human, we will face storms such as accidents, disappointments, sickness, death. It is rather easy to say a prayer before and after the storm.

But, what about when you are right in the middle of the storm? When the waves are breaking and water is in the boat, when the noise of your circumstances threaten to silence your prayer?

Prepare your mind and heart for the inevitable storms of life. Without a spiritual foundation in place how to face such storms, you are at risk of being blown over by the fierce winds of suffering.

When you face pain and your heart is breaking, you must remember that pain has a process and that process takes time. The only way to heal is to let time pass and keep moving forward.

Find those who share your vision and are willing to challenge you in order to spread your message. When things seem to stand still and become peacefully silent, call your inner circle to evaluate life.

If a storm is coming, you can get out in front of it and prepare ways to handle it.

Many times your biggest storms come from within.  Many of your storms build strength when you fall into the curse of comparison.

Stay true to your vision and do not allow your own self doubt to confuse your purpose.

The quickest way to kill something special is to compare it to something else.

When storms come your way, when critics come around, refrain from comparison, and allow your passion and purpose to shelter you.

Begin focusing on the positives before the storms hit. Begin each day being thankful for the little things. You will create a habit that will serve as a weapon during times of despair.

Learn gratitude and begin each day by reminding you about the positives going on in your life. Positivity is contagious and as a leader, it begins with you.

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