The system is our Enemy / Das System ist unser Feind / O sistema é nosso inimigo / El sistema es nuestro Enemigo

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Capitalism is the worst enemy of humanity and if we do not change the model, if we do not change the system, then our presence here on Earth, our debate about change, our exchange of ideas, and the proposals that we make for a more sustainable World will be totally in vain.

Capitalism has twins, the market and war.

The market converts life into commodities, it converts land into a commodity. And when capitalists can not sustain this economic model based on looting, on exploitation, on marginalisation, on exclusion and, above all, on the accumulation of capital, they rely on war.

It is important to change economic models, development models, and economic systems, particularly those in the western World.

And if we do not understand and thoroughly discuss the very survival of our peoples, then we certainly will not be addressing the problem of climate change, the problem of life, the problem for humanity.

It is important that we learn lessons from some sectors, from some regions, from cultures based on peace, from a lifestyle based on equality, of living not only in solidarity with all people, but also living in harmony with Mother Earth.

For the indigenous movement, land can not be a commodity; it is a mother that gives us life, so how could we convert it into a commodity as the western model does.

This is a profound lesson which we must learn in order to resolve the problems of humanity that are being discussed here, climate change and pollution.

Where does this pollution come from? It comes from, and is generated by, the unsustainable development of a system which destroys the planet: capitalism.

Abandon luxury, abandon over-consumption, think not only about money but about life, think not only about accumulating capital but about humanity. 

If we do not change, it will not matter if business owners have a lot of money, no matter if they are a multinational or even a country – no one can escape these ecological problems, environment problems, and climate change.

No one will be spared, and the wealth that some country, some region or some capitalist may have will be useless.

We need an international movement to deal with the environment, a movement that will be above institutions, businesses and countries that just talk about commerce, that only think about accumulating capital.

We have to organize a movement that will defend life, defend humanity, and save the Earth.

The Matrix is a system, Neo, and that system is our enemy. But when you are inside and you look around, what do you see; businessmen, lawyers, teachers, carpenters.

The minds of the very people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of the system and that makes them our enemy.

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