To Battle / In die Schlacht / Para a Batalha / A la Batalla

Warriors love to fight for the sake of fighting. Fighting is just an impulse that some can not control. Fighting satisfies anger, hate, or resentment of an alleged victims.

When you fight, you fight for something of value, and should you destroy yourself or that something of value while fighting to obtain it, then you have lost your real purpose for fighting.

When you believe you have hope when you do not, you may take ill adventures where you should not.

When you believe you fight or die when you do not really face such dire conditions, you may needlessly continue a fight for no gain.

When you allow pride to override your good judgment, you may fight even when you know you should not, regardless of the consequences.

The successful warrior wins without going to battle.

The battle between the soul and the not-soul rages in your mind. You are not entirely away from such war. In your mind, there is a feelig of Love of life and another feeling that boycotts that Love.

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