Transformation of Consciousness / Transformation des Bewusstseins / Transformação da Consciência / Transformación de la Conciencia

For a transformation of Consciousness to happen, you must learn and practice some fundamental principles of living.

The first of them is Ahimsa (non-violence). You must learn to respect the water body, the fire body, the Earth body, the air body and the Human body.

In fact, Human bodies contain Earth, air, fire and water. All these elements give, nourish and sustain life.

Human beings should take responsibility to sustain the natural order and preserve the integrity of the elements. 

Ahimsa is the most essential principle. Through it, you develop a reverence for all life. Then you are able to overcome anger, fear, greed, domination, Ego, exploitation, and above all, wars.

Practice of non-violence leads to harmony, equity, friendship, simplicity, sustainability and World peace.

The second principle is Satya (truth). It means to accept reality as it is and also to discover your own true nature.

When you are able to be true to yourself and seek truth in the World, you are able to live a life with integrity and Love.

To pursue the principle of truth, you need courage and fearlessness. Sometimes speaking the truth and living the truth can be inconvenient, even dangerous.

But those, who are able to face difficulties and keep faith in truth, find freedom.

Speaking the truth does not mean being harsh or inconsiderate. Truth should be spoken sweetly, non-violently and honestly. Achieving such a fine balance requires great training.

The third principle is Asteya (non-stealing and non-accumulation). Before you take from nature and from people, you need to learn to give. If you take without giving, it is stealing.

If you accumulate material possessions over and above your essential needs, then you are depriving someone else of those goods and causing hunger and deprivation.

Therefore, you need to cultivate a state of mind in which you are satisfied and contented. Once you have met your basic needs, you should be content and not be driven by greed.

The fourth principle is Bramhacharya (physical integrity). You need to learn how to use your body, how to maintain a balance and how not to slip into indulgence.

Happiness is a paradoxical state; restraint and nourishment are two sides of the same coin. You need to learn how to restrain yourself from sensual gratification and sexual misconduct.

You need to learn the code of healthy physical relationships, which lead to healthy spiritual relationships.

The fifth principle is Aparigraha (non-possessiveness). In order to live, you need material goods and services. You need a house, you need land, you need clothes and you need food.

But you need to learn how not to become possessive of possessions and how not to be possessed by possessions.

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