Tried so Hard / So hart Versucht / Tentei Tanto / Intenté tan Duro

I tried so hard and got so far. I had to fall to live it all. But in the end, it does not even matter.

You must make your way through life; each one out for himself, whether in the name of business, religion or country.

You want to become famous, and so does your neighbour, and so does his neighbour: and so it is with everyone.

Thus we build a Society based on ambition, envy and acquisitiveness, in which each is the enemy of another; and you are educated to conform to this disintegrating society, to fit into its vicious frame.

‘But what are we to do?’ one asks. ‘It seems we must conform to Society or be destroyed. Is there any way out of it?’

At present, you are so-called educated to fit into this Society; your capacities are developed to enable you to make a living within the pattern.

Your parents, your educators, your governments, are all concerned with your efficiency and financial security.

They want you to be ‘good citizens’, which means being respectably ambitious, everlastingly acquisitive and indulging in that socially accepted ruthlessness called competition, so that you and they may be secure.

This is what constitutes being a so-called good citizen; but is it good, or something very evil?

Love implies that those who are loved be left wholly free to grow in their fullness, to be something greater than mere social machines.

Love does not compel, either openly or through the subtle threat of duties and responsibilities.

Do you want to find out if it is possible to live in this World fully, happily, creatively, without the destructive drive of ambition and competition.

Do you want to know how to live so that your life will not destroy another or cast a shadow across their path.

You think this is a utopian dream which can never be brought about in fact, but I am not talking about utopia; that would be nonsense.

Can you and I, who are ordinary people, live creatively in this world without the drive of ambition which shows itself in various ways as the desire for power and position.

You will find the right answer when you love what you are doing. If you can plant a tree, paint a picture, or write a poem, not to gain recognition but just because you love to do it, then you will find that you never compete with another.

I think this is the real key: Love what you do.

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