What inspires You / Was inspiriert Dich / O quê te Inspira / Que te Inspira

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Inspiration is that feeling that strikes when you are moved to action by something you are passionate about. Inspiration can lead you to take a chance and do something great.

To get anything done, you must take action. And in turn, actions must be motivated by something.

Sometimes those motivations are not all that inspiring. You might study, do homework and work because you have to.

A passion for a topic can make studying, homework and work something you look forward to, rather than merely survive through.

If you love your job you wake up in the morning inspired to do great things at work.

The best ideas, the most creative concepts, and the most positive results come from people who are inspired. When you are inspired to do great things, great things happen.

Sometimes, inspiration just happens.

When you are least expecting it, you see something or hear something or experience something that moves you deeply.

That is the purest kind of inspiration and, when it strikes, follow its lead and see where you end up.

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