Grow in wisdom and Compassion / Wachse in Weisheit und Mitgefühl / Cresça em sabedoria e Compaixão / Crecer en sabiduría y Compasión

The accumulation of material wealth and large bank accounts mean nothing at the moment of death. In actuality, the entirety of life is a preparation for dying.

Living totally in the present moment allows you to create a fulfilled life and to face your impending death openly and with dignity.

The realization that death can arrive at any moment allows you to grow in wisdom and compassion; you have to begin to accept and appreciate everyday living as sacred.

You understand the truth of impermanence and that in the end, you can really possess nothing. Death is the final equalizer.

Facing death typically enables you to align your priorities. Spiritual and psychological matters become of interest and can enjoy your life thoroughly as a gift.

However, there is no need to wait for a terminal diagnosis to create a fulfilled life with meaning. Inner work of mind and heart can begin now, no need to wait till the very end. In essence, practicing dying is also practicing living.

Cultivating inner Awareness through meditation and spiritual practices often assist in attending to the dying.

The spiritual dimension of humanity’s true nature understands that in reality, life is without birth or death but rather is a continuation of the eternal soul, which can mean different things to different belief systems.

Life is sacred and relationships holy

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