Moments in Time / Momente in der Zeit / Momentos no Tempo / Momentos en el Tiempo

Life is a series of moments in time means that your entire life will be filled with moments. Some filled with joy and others filled with sadness.

As with all moments they all have a beginning and all have an ending. None will last forever, and all will affect you according to your expectations.

If you experience a moment of happiness you will want it to last forever. If you experience a moment of sadness you want it to go away quickly. You create these moments.

You are the only one who controls your feelings of happiness or sadness. Consequently you are also the only one that controls how long you will be happy or sad. This is part of the two-path philosophy.

Think about the last time some moment made you happy. You may have received good news, a gift, praise, promotion, good grades, money, and the list goes on. The fact is you choose the path to be happy.

These same moments could also make you sad. You may have expected better news, a better gift, better grades, or more money.

In this case you choose another path of sadness. These moments are the same, but you created different feelings due to your self-created expectations. The point is we have control and we choose the path.

To change the feeling of the moment, change the expectations. Choose the path of happiness for these moments because you do not cloud these moments with expectations you would have created.

As you continue down the path of life, these moments will reveal themselves as a fork in the road. Which path you take determines your feeling of good or evil, happy or sad, Love or hate, success or failure, etc. This is ying and yang.

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