We want your Soul / Wir wollen Deine Seele / Queremos sua Alma / Queremos tu Alma

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The culture of consumerism wants your soul. They want all of your passion to be focused on the glitz and bling of this material World.

They want you living for what is now and what is new. But what does it profit you if you have all the fun in the World but neglect your soul.

Our rampant consumerism is proof of Society‘s decadence. The amount of crap we have is obscene.

Our obsession with accumulating more and more material goods is destroying the Earth, to say nothing of our souls.

The consumer Society we live in completely unaligned with mindfulness philosophy because it causes mental suffering through constant desire. There is no reality in a World of consumerism.

All Awareness of true reality is lost. The Awareness of self and the intricate Human connection with mother Nature is lost.

In a system that hawks selfishness, vanity and exhibitionism, we become easily excited with the fake orgasm of trappings and tantalizations.

Excess, over-indulgence, over-consumption, dandyism, stylish indifference – all part of the act, all trumpets of conquest, prosperity, success and ‘Being somebody’.

In the face of multiple global emergencies – climate change, global warming, habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity, extinction of species, pollution, deforestation, land degradation, ocean depletion, the commercialization of children, spreading poverty, growing inequality, collapsing mental health, the death of mind, the obesity epidemic, and so on – who needs enemies?

Our myths about progress, superfluous wealth, limitless expansion and endless resources are formulas for global ruin. Hyper-competitive individualism fuels frustration, alienation and rage.

Take a moment today to meditate on consumerism; what it represents and how it affects the way you act, think and feel.

Your Cell Phone, Your Wallet, Your Time, Your Ideas
No Barcode, No Party, No ID, No Beers
Your Bankcard, Your License, Your Thoughts, Your Fears
No Simcard, No Disco, No Photo, Not Here
Your Blood, Your Sweat, Your Passions, Your Regrets
Your Office, Your Time Off, Your Fashions, Your Sex
Your Pills, Your Grass, Your Tits, Your Ass.
Your Laughs, Your Bones.

We Write It All

We Want Your Soul

Tell us Your Habits, Your Facts, Your Fears
Give us Your Address, Your Shoe Size, Your Years
Your Digits, Your Plans, Your Number, Your Eyes
Your Schedule, Your Desktop, Your Details, Your Life.

Show us Your Children, Your Photos, Your Home.
Here, Take Credit, Take Insurance, Take A Loan.
Get a Job, Get a Pension, Get a Haircut, Get a Suit.
Play the Lottery, play Football, play the Field, Sports on Toot

We’ll show you Things We’ll show you Swings
We’ll buy you Things, Drugs, Big Yard, Birds
We’ll sell you Crap We’ll Charge You Fat
We’re gonna find Big Guns & A Drunk in Your Kitchen

We Want Your Soul

Your Thoughts, Your Emotions, Your Love, Your Dreams
Your Cheque Book, Your Residence, Your Sweat, Your Screams
Your Security, Your Sobriety, Your Innocence, Your Society
Your Self, Your Place, Your Distance, Your Speed

Go back to bed America, Your Government is in Control Again

Here, watch this, shut up

You are free to do as we tell you
You are free to do as we tell you

We want your soul, is a song, an ode to the manipulative, blood-sucking, zombie-creating powers of consumerism by British DJ and producer Adam Freeland.

The song made the top 40 charts in several countries, and resulted in an award-winning music video.

It is the first song to which Freeland wrote the lyrics; he describes it as being ‘about the destructive side of consumer culture’.

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